Soil, Land & Waste Management

SVSOLID™GT is a 1D, 2D and 3D finite-element program for geotechnical earth structures. The software can solve both simple problems and complex staged construction or excavation problems involving elasto-plastic soft-soil behavior and consolidation as well as the elastic deformation of rock materials.

Fast and Stable Solutions of Large, Complex Numerical Models

The SVSOLID™GT software is designed for determining the stress state and deformations in soils under various loading conditions. SVSOLID™GT contains the newly integrated high-performance SVCORE™ Finite Element Engine solver specifically designed to solve stress-deformation problems efficiently. SVSOLID™GT is applicable to geotechnical, civil, and mining projects.

Open Pit
Embankment Slope
Tailings Dam Construction
Road Construction

Key features of SVSOLID™GT:

  • SVCORE™: Our new high-performance, robust and stable finite element solution engine

  • Slope stability modeling with shear strength reduction (SSR) method

  • Staged construction / excavation models

  • 1D / 2D / 3D solutions handle any geometry configuration

  • Modeling of small-strain and large-strain consolidation

  • Elasto-plastic constitutive soil models

  • Triangulated surface mesh support

  • The advanced abilities of model grouping and linking are available which are particularly useful in large and complex modeling sequences.

  • Easily generate 3D models from 2D cross-sections, or 3D models from 2D cross-sectionsslice 3D models into 2D cross-sections

  • Easy to use and simplified CAD-based user interface:

    • A clearly organized menu system with left to right arrangement of primary functions

    • Allows for the rapid creation of models

    • The new 3D CAD graphics engine provides fast overall operation

  • Extensive QAQC program

  • World Class Support: Highly dedicated team with tracking and fast response to raised issues - typically within 24 - 48 hours

  •   Comprehensive / Comparative List of Features


    SVSOLID™GT is a 1D, 2D and 3D finite-element program for geotechnical earth structures. The software can solve both simple problems and complex staged construction or excavation problems involving elasto-plastic soft-soil behavior and consolidation as well as the elastic deformation of rock materials.

    The most significant change to any particular module within our SVOFFICE™5/GT software has been to the SVSOLID™GT package which has been completely redesigned and utilizes our new SVCORE™ Finite Element Engine solver. The new solver has been developed over 20 years and allows fast and stable solution of extremely large three-dimensional numerical models. The design changes and technical advances in the software firmly position SVSOLID™GT as the premiere stress / deformation software package available in the world today.


    Geotechnical Engineering:

  • Construction and excavation models

  • Consolidation beneath earth structures

  • Design foundations and earth dams

  • Tailings consolidation

  • Design of slab-on-ground structures

  • Design of underground tunnels and mining tunnels

  • Design of cantilevers and retaining walls

  • Design of flood channels and canals

  • Pore-water pressure effects can be included by coupling SVSOLID™ with SVFLUX™

  • Slope stability issues can be examined by coupling SVSOLID™ with SVSLOPE®

  • Soil Science:

  • Design of flood channels and canals

  • Shear stresses during cultivation


    Fast and Stable Solutions of Large, Complex Numerical Models

    The new SVCORE™ Finite Element Engine solver has been developed over a combined 20 years and allows fast and stable solution of extremely large three-dimensional numerical models.

    2D Models

    3D Models

    SVOFFICE™5 User Manual

      SVOFFICE5 Manual

    Verification Manual

      SVSOLID5GT Verification Manual

      Consolidation5GT Verification Manual

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