+91 40 23549924/8905


Air Disperssion Projects


Location : Odisha
Type : Iron Ore Open Cast Mines
Scope of work : Substantial quantity of airborne respirable dust (SPM) & Hazardous Contaminants

Project Description

The Iron Ore open cast mines in Odisha which comprise 5 Quarries and 2 dumps generate a substantial quantity of airborne respirable dust (SPM) & hazardous contaminants like (PM10, SO2 & Nox) which affects the health of the mineworkers as well as people in the surrounding villages. Due to the enormous amount of production in tonnes from the mines, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry wanted to make sure the dispersion of contaminants are within regulatory limits set by emission standards of India. Emission rates for each source have been analyzed and the presence of open pits having a depth of 200m max has been identified. Considering the complex elevations and to accommodate all the sources (5 mining quarries & 2 dumps) in a single modeling domain, by utilizing Lakes environmental air dispersion modeling software CALPUFF View (Lagrange – Gaussian Puff model) with 1 km WRF satellite CALMET Data & SRTM Terrain Data of 30m resolution, the peak cumulative pollutant concentration as well as its dispersion over time under various averaging periods can be predicted with higher accuracy.