AquiferTest Applications Include
- Groundwater resource evaluations
- Determine groundwater Hydraulics
- Pumping test data evaluation
- Slug test reporting
- Interpret Lugeon test data
- Derive the fundamental hydrogeologic parameters affecting groundwater flow
Built for hydrogeologists by hydrogeologists, AquiferTest offers an easy-to-use graphical interface
- Analyze test data from pumping tests, slug tests and Lugeon tests via seamless integration with water level instrumentation.
- A comprehensive suite of analysis methods and solutions suitable for all types of aquifers including confined, unconfined, leaky and fractured aquifers.
- Easily account for various well conditions including wellbore storage, horizontal wells, and single well analyses.
- Predictive water table drawdown at planned well locations, and customizable professional-quality analysis reports.
- Print-ready reports of your data and analyses are automatically generated for you!
AquiferTest Pro provides additional features:
- Advanced pre-processing tools for barometric compensation and trend correction.
- Diagnostic plots and derivative analysis for identifying aquifer conditions from test data.
- Simplified contour plots and streamlines of drawdown solutions, and automatic type curve matching.

Easy and Flexible Data Importing
Save time and go straight to the analysis with flexible data import options. Quickly import field data from common file formats and virtually any groundwater datalogger on the market.
- Text(.TXT)
- Excel (XLSX)
- ASCII Datalogger (.ASC, .TDxt)
- Level Logger (.LEV)
- Diver Datalogger (.MON)
Automatic type curve fitting
Show type curve families on analysis graphs for enhanced visual curve matching of complex aquifer conditions arising from variable pumping rates, aquitard storage and boundary effects.

Colour contouring and color shading
Gain a deeper understanding of your test data and take your reports to the next level with colourful contour maps showing drawdown data and well interference over aerial and satellite site maps.
Barometric and baseline trend correction
AquiferTest Pro provides pre-processing tools that ensure your water levels are corrected for baseline trends (trend effects) and barometric pressure changes.

Diagnostic plots for choosing the best analysis
AquiferTest provides a set of powerful diagnostic plots that help you easily identify model assumptions and select the most appropriate analytical solution for your pumping test data.
Automatic analysis reports
Automatically transform raw analyses to professional-quality reports that include your company logo, name, project information, well data, analysis graphs and site maps. Reports templates can be customized exactly the way you want them, and saved as PDFs for easy sharing.

An Extensive Suite of Analytical Tools
AquiferTest delivers an extensive set of solutions suitable for all types of aquifers and test conditions. Analyse confined, unconfined, leaky, and fractured aquifers. Account for various well conditions including wellbore storage, horizontal wells, and single-well analyses.

Modules/Analytical Methods
AquiferTest Modules and Complete list of Analytical Methods
AquiferTest Feature Comparison
Features | Standard | Pro |
Standard Pumping Test Solutions | ✅ | ✅ |
Pumping Test Recovery Analyses | ✅ | ✅ |
Standard Slug Test Solutions | ✅ | ✅ |
Lugeon Test (Packer Test) | ✅ | |
Fully or Partially Penetrating Wells | ✅ | ✅ |
Single or Multiple Pumping Wells | ✅ | ✅ |
Constant or Variable Pumping Rates | ✅ | ✅ |
Aquifer Bounded by Barrier or Recharge Boundary | ✅ | ✅ |
Isotropic or Anisotropic Aquifer | ✅ | ✅ |
Well Effects (well bore storage) | ✅ | ✅ |
Fracture Flow Solution (Moench, Warren-Root) | ✅ | ✅ |
Well Performance Solutions (Specific Capacity, Hantush-Biershenk) | ✅ | ✅ |
Plotting Wells on a Site Map | ✅ | ✅ |
Derivative Smoothing | ✅ | |
Horizontal Wells (Clonts & Ramey) | ✅ | |
Well Skin effects (Agarwal) | ✅ | |
Plotting/Contouring Drawdown on a Site Map | ✅ | |
Trend Effects / Barometric Correction | ✅ | |
Multi-Layered Aquifer Analysis | ✅ |
An extensive suite of analytical methods
AquiferTest delivers an extensive set of solutions suitable for all types of aquifers and test conditions. Analyse confined, unconfined, leaky, and fractured aquifers. Account for various well conditions including wellbore storage, horizontal wells, and single-well analyses.
- Drawdown Plots
- Time Drawdown Plot
- Time Drawdown-Discharge Plot
- Pumping Tests
- Theis (1935) – confined, isotropic aquifer
- Theis with Jacob Correction (1944) – unconfined, isotropic aquifer
- Boulton (1963) – unconfined, anisotropic aquifer
- Neuman (1975) – unconfined, anisotropic aquifer, partially-penetrating well
- Hantush-Jacob (Walton, 1962) – leaky aquifer
- Hantush (1960) -leaky aquifer, with storage in aquitard
- Warren Root (1963) – dual porosity, fractured flow
- Moench (1984, 1988) – fractured flow, with skin
- Papadopulos & Cooper (1967) – well bore storage/large diameter wells/single well
- Agarwal Recovery (1980) – recovery analysis
- Clonts and Ramey (1986) – horizontal wells
- Neuman and Witherspoon (1969) – confined, two-aquifer system
- Hemker and Mass (1987) – multi-aquifer system
- Theis Recovery (1935) confined
- Cooper Jacob:
- Type I: Time-drawdown
- Type II: Distance-drawdown
- Type III: Time-distance-drawdown
- Well Performance
- Specific Capacity - Hantush-Bierschenk (Hantush, 1964; Bierschenk, 1963):
- Well loss
- Well efficiency
- Specific Capacity - Hantush-Bierschenk (Hantush, 1964; Bierschenk, 1963):
- Other Analysis Tools
- Derivative Plots
- Diagnostic Plots
- AquiferTest Method Selection Advisor
- Slug Tests
- Hvorslev (1951)
- Bouwer-Rice (1976)
- Cooper-Bredhoeft-Papadopulos (1967)
- High-K Butler (2003)
- Dagan (1978)
- Binkhorst and Robbins (1998) – effective radius
- Lugeon Tests
- Lugeon Tests (1933) – also known as Packer Tests
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