CALRoads View is an air dispersion modeling package for predicting air quality impacts produced by mobile sources at or near roadways and roadway intersections. Three US EPA models – CALINE4, CAL3QHC, & CAL3QHCR – are combined into one seamless graphical interface. These models predict air pollution concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter (PM), and other inert gases.
The CALINE 4 model developed by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) predicts air concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and suspended particles near roadways. Options are available for modeling near intersections, parking lots, elevated or depressed freeways, and canyons.
The CAL3QHC model estimates total air pollutant concentrations (CO or PM) near highways from both moving and idling vehicles. This model also estimates the length of queues formed by idling vehicles at signalized intersections.
The CAL3QHCR model is an enhanced version of CAL3QHC, that can process up to a year of hourly meteorological data. Vehicular emissions, traffic volume, and signalization (ETS) data can be specified for each hour of a week.
Key Features
Integrated Graphical User Interface
Fully integrated interface combining easy to use graphical tools (e.g., roadway links, and receptors), seamless model run, and automated contouring and posting of results.
Unlimited Receptors
CALRoads View allows you to run a project with an unlimited number of receptors, avoiding the restrictions imposed by the models. You can specify a Cartesian receptor grid, discrete receptors, and receptors along the roadways.
Lakes Tile Maps
Automatically download and import high-resolution satellite and street map imagery into your projects. This makes it easy to graphically input new road links and receptors and provides a great spatial reference point for analyzing model results.
Meteorological Scenarios
CALINE4: Specify the worst-case meteorological conditions. CAL3QHC: Specify one or more sets of met conditions to be analyzed. CAL3QHCR: Specify up to a full year of hourly met data.
MET Data Pre Processor for CAL3QHCR
Pre-process meteorological data for the CAL3QHCR model with Rammet View, a full met data processing model included with CALRoads View at no additional cost.
Several Link Types
CALRoads View offers the ability to model free-flow traffic, intersections, parking lots, street canyons, traffic patterns and different receptor configurations.
Graphical Post Processing
A wide range of contouring options and controls make it easy to present your results just the way you want them.
Windrose Visualization
Create customized windrose plots using WRPLOT View. Change colors, petal size, and more.
Input Utilities
Use a variety of input wizards to quickly and easily add all of your project data – links, receptors, emissions, etc.
Technical Specifications
This product is a Microsoft Windows-based program that can be installed in the following Windows operating systems:
- 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems
- Windows 10
Minimum Requirements:
- An Intel Pentium 4 processor (or equivalent) or higher
- At least 2 GB of available hard disk space
- 1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended)
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