OriginPro v2024
Origin is the data analysis and graphing software of choice for over half a million scientists and engineers in commercial industries, academia, and government laboratories worldwide. Origin offers an easy-to-use interface for beginners, combined with the ability to perform advanced customization as you become more familiar with the application.
Origin graphs and analysis results can automatically update on data or parameter change, allowing you to create templates for repetitive tasks or to perform batch operations from the user interface, without the need for programming. Extend the capabilities in Origin by installing free Apps available from our website. Connect with other applications such as MATLAB™, LabVIEW™ or Microsoft© Excel, or create custom routines within Origin using our scripting and C languages, embedded Python, or the R console.
Take your data analysis to the next level with OriginPro. In addition to all of Origin's features, OriginPro offers advanced analysis tools and Apps for Peak Fitting, Surface Fitting, Statistics and Signal Processing. Features specific to OriginPro are marked with the PRO icon in this page. Visit the Origin v.s. OriginPro page to view a comparison table.
With over 100 built-in and extended graph types and point-and-click customization of all elements, Origin makes it easy to create and customize publication-quality graphs. You can add additional axes and panels, add, remove plots, etc. to suit your needs. Batch plot new graphs with similar data structure, or save the customized graph as graph template or save customized elements as graph themes for future use.

This is a box plot with mean points connected. The user can also connect median points, data points or other percentiles, using controls on the Connect Lines tab of the Plot Details dialog.

A 3D OpenGL Surface Plot with multiple surfaces stacked in one graph layer. The graph has been customized by assigning a unique plot style and a custom Z offset to each surface. Some surfaces are also rendered as flat.

Density Dots plot of 2 million data points. Colormap represents data density computed using a fast algorithm.
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Graph Types
- Column & Bar Charts: Basic, Stacked, Grouped
- Floating Column & Bar Charts
- Bridge Plot
- 2D Pie and Doughnut Chart
- Line Plot
- Scatter Plot (with X,Y Error Bar, Column Scatter, Drop Lines, Color Map, Size Map)
- Line + Symbol Plot
- Lollipop Plot
- Density Dots Plot
- Area Plot (Area, Stacked Area, Fill Area)
- Multi-Axis & Multi-Panel Plots
- Trellis Plot
- Cluster Plot
- Kite Diagram
- Ternary & Piper Plots
- Polar Plot
- Radial Plot
- Waterfall Plot
- Contour & Heatmap
- Vector Plot
- Streamline Plot
- Wind Rose Plot (Binned/Raw Data)
- Spider Plot/Radar Chart
- Smith Charts
- Stiff Diagram
- Durov Plot
- Zoom Plot
- Stock Plots
- Profile Plot
- Image Plot
- 2D Function & Parametric Function Plots
- Box Chart, Grouped Box Chart
- Violin Plot
- Histogram, Stacked Histograms
- Marginal Box/ Histogram Chart
- Grouped Marginal Plot
- Histogram + Probabilities Plot
- Scatter Matrix Plot
- Ridgeline Plot
- Ternary Vector
- Zoomed Inset
- Treemap Plot
- Polyline Profile
- Heat Map with Dendrogram
- 2D Kernel Density Plot
- Probability & Q-Q Plots
- QC(Xbar-R) Chart
- Pareto Chart
- Parallel Plot
- Sankey and Alluvial Diagrams
- Chord Diagram
- Network Plot
- Ribbon Chart
- Population Pyramid
- Before-After Plot
- Bland-Altman Plot
- Bullet Chart
- Forest Plot
- Polar/Ternary Kernel Density Plot
- Poincare Plot
- Pie/Bar Map
- Stacked/100% Stacked Bar Map
- Sankey Map
- Soil and Rocks Classification Diagrams
- Piper Diagram
- 3D Wind Rose
- Isosurface Plot
- Sunburst Plot
- 3D Symbol/Trajectory/Line/Vector Plot
- 3D Bar Plot
- 3D Surface Plot
- 3D Function & Parametric Function Plots
- 3D Ribbons/Walls Plot
- 3D Waterfall Plot
- 3D Pie Chart
- 3D Column Chart
- Stacked 3D Heatmap/Surface
- 3D Ternary Plot (Scatter or Colormap Surface)
- Tetrahedral Scatters/Lines/Line+Symbols
- Voronoi Diagram
- Correlation Plot
- Paired Comparison Plot
- Means Plot
- Venn Diagram
- Andrews Plot
- Manhattan Plot for GWAS
- 3D Stacked Histograms
- 3D Wall Profile
- Spiral Bar Chart
- Marginal Abatement Cost Curve
- Circular Packing Graph
Click Here for Read More
Extended Templates from OriginLab Website
In addition to built-in graph types, Origin also provides extended templates which can be found and installed from the OriginLab Website using the Template Center.

- 3D Histogram
- 3D XRD Waterfall
- Arrow Plot
- Bar with Connected Lines
- Climate
- Correlation Network Plot
- Gantt Chart
- XRD with PDF
- Double-Y Before-After Plot
- Pie Chart from Categorical Data
- Colormap Sunburst
- Double-Y Stacked Columns
- Ellipse Plot
- Grouped Circular Bars
- Grouped Pyramid Plot
- Energy Diagram
- Speedometer Chart
- Split Violin with Separate Interval
- Before-After Bar Chart
- Gradient Filled 3D Colormap Bars
- Heatmap with Significant Mark
- Log-Log Plot
- Matrix Bubble
- Polar Colormapped Line
- Raincloud Plots
- Contour without Contour Lines
- Variable Bin Width Histogram
- Gradient Filled Colormap Bars
- Bridge Charts in Multiple Panels
- Correlation Chord Diagram
- Schoeller Diagram
- Stacked Area by Y Offset
- Tripartite Plot
- Waterfall with Inset
- XPS Area and XPS Line
- Delaunay Triangulation
- 3D Surface Map
- Radial Bubble
- Ternary Density Dots
- Y-Shared Double-X Plot
- Color Mapped Line
- Bar with Stick
- Gradient Sunburst Chart
- 3D Stacked Line & Symbol Graphs
- Grouped 3D Stacked Bars
- Double-Y Stacked Columns
- Multiple Panels with XXXY Data
- Sparkline Chart
- Multiple Plots from XXXY Data
- Double-Y Waterfall
- Double-Z 3D Bars
- Histogram with Range X Tick Labels
Multiple Axes and Panels
Multi-axis and Multi-panel Tempates
- Built-in multi-axis and multi-panel templates, such as Double Y, Multiple-Y, 4-Panel, Vertical and Horizontal Stack Panels
- 3D Double-Y/Z
- Create your own multi-axes or multi-layer graphs and save as template for repeat use
Add, Arrange, Resize and Link Layers
- Set layer units by percentage of page or in absolute units
- Resize, align, switch, move, link, and re-order panels
- Link layer position and dimension by ratio
- Link axis in different layers by straight 1:1, formula or align at specified values
- Use common axis scale in one direction for multi-panel graphs.
- Evenly distribute layers
- Customize Properties Across Graph Layers
Merge and Extract
- Merge multiple independent graph windows into one graph
- Extract multi-panel graphs into separate windows
- Extract plots from a single layer into multiple layers

A multi-Y (3Y-YY) graph with three overlapping layers sharing a common X axis. Note that the Y axis line and label color matches the data plot.

Origin's Graph toolbar lets you add layers to your graph, merge selected graphs, or extract data plots to separate layers or layers to separate graph windows, with the click of a button.

Double-Y graph in single layer, it is easy to assign or switch plots to be associated with left or right Y axis.

With multiple layers selected (pressing Ctrl key to select), Origin's Object Edit toolbar enables you to align or evenly distribute the layers with the click of a button.

When merging individual graphs, check Treat Each Source Graph as a Unit to maintain the proper relationship of layers in individual graphs. In this example, each inset graph remains with its parent layer. An add labels option is also available to facilitate adding labels to each unit in the merged graph.

A multi-panel graph combining several layers of contour and line plots arranged flexibly. Note the inset layer on the bottom right panel. The top panel displays stacked lines by y offset allowing for easy comparison of multiple data plots.

Options in Plot Details Layer tab enable users to automatically apply Layer, Plot, or Axis customizations made to one graph layer, to other layers on the page.
Grouped Data Plot
Using grouped data, you can easily create multi-panelled graphs in Origin with a single click on the plot menu
- Cluster Plot (Line, Scatter and Column)
- Grouped Box Plot
- Grouped Column/Scatter Plot
- Various Types of Trellis Plots
Flexible configuration and customization options include
- Control the style increments between or within the groups
- Customize the gap between, or within the groups.
- Add Gap between panels
- Wrap panels
- Overlap panels
- Uniform or Independent X/Y Scale
- By Drag-and-Drop Column Assignments (with Pre-installed App - Graph Maker)

The user can easily create multi-panel graphs from grouped data with the Trellis plot.

Multi-layer Cluster Plot with option for independent X and Y scales. Easily change formatting of plots and other attributes in all layers by editing properties in one layer.

Grouped plots now support scatter plot with subgroup spacing. Scatter can then be combined with other plot types such as the column plot in this example.

Double-Y Trellis plot with two independent Y axes, each with its own scale settings.
Data Plot
- Based on plot type, customize plot attributes such as symbol shape and size, line style and width, column and area pattern, transparency, etc.
- Change exist plot type and mix different plot types in one graph
- Change X or Y of the plot, drag to add new plot, remove plot, and change plot orders
- Show or hide plot, all plots of same name, all plots in a layer
- Connect lines across axis break or missing data, etc.
- Skip points with option to maintain overall data features
- Projection of plot to planes in 3D graph
- Over 100 built-in symbols and option to add unicode symbols or user-defined shapes
- Add drop lines for 2D plots and 3D graphs
- Over 10 line connection styles such as linear, segment line, step horizontal/vertical, various spline, etc.
- 8 built-in line styles such as solid, dash, dot, etc. where dash can be defined
Fill Patterns
- Over 100 build-in fill pattern types, including standard USGS geology patterns
- Option to add user-defined fill patterns using emf files
Data Labels
- Add data labeling to plot or a single point
- Label as x, y coordinates, row indexing, column metadata or data/text from other columns
- Align Left, Center or Right option for multi-line labeling
- Auto-positioning of labels to avoid overlapping
- Leader line from label to data points
Error Bar
- Show error bar as bands with filled colors
- Support asymmetric error bar
- Allow skip point
Single Point and Multiple Plots Customization
- Customize a single point.
- Group multiple plots for easy customization
- Offset plots in X and Y directions

The interactive, multi-panel Plot Details dialog box allows for quick editing of many important properties of your Origin graph.

In this graph, one dataset is plotted as a scatter graph + error bars. Because the data is dense, every other point is skipped using the Skip Points settings in Plot Details.

Skip symbols while maintaining overall data features

Origin supports offsetting plots in the X and Y directions with no change in data values. Offset options include auto, cumulative, incremental, constant, and individual. In this graph we stacked curves with a pattern such as 0 -100 so each data pair stayed together. The color and style were customized to use repeated patterns.
Plot Modifiers
- Customize plot attributes by modifier columns in the worksheet to create 3, 4, 5 dimensional plot.
- Symbol color, shape, size and interior
- Line color, style and thickness
- Fill color and pattern
- Centroid and subset
- Data label color
- Angle and Magnitude of 2D Vector
- Column and box chart width, box chart position
- For 3D colormap surface, set the color map by values of another matrix
- Use indexing, color map of arbitrary values, or specific RGB values to assign color
- Use indexing, color map of arbitrary values, or specific RGB values to assign color
- Legend can be customized to indicate such information
- Save Match Modifier by column index, name, or other metadata properties in graph template

A color mapped bubble chart. This is essentially a scatter plot with modifiers for symbol size and color, set using other data columns. Notice the bubble legend on the top left of the graph. This unique feature in Origin allows for various configurations for this legend. The powerful Color Chooser dialog is displayed on the right side. This dialog has several options including the ability to load a list of pre-defined colors.

This graph displays the relative quantities of size fractions of unconsolidated sedimentary materials with depth below the ground surface. Hatch (Fill) pattern selection has been enhanced for Origin 2017, including the addition of entirely new "Geology" fill patterns.

The graph is an example of a sunburst chart. A sunburst has multiple levels (represented by different rings), across which you can see how a category is split into contributing sub-categories. The color-indexing of the rings is done by values from the same "Browser" column in the worksheet.

A surface plot created from XYZ data where the color map was based on a 4th data column. A custom XY boundary has also been applied to the plot.
- Support multiple scale types such as linear, log10, Probability, Reciprocal ect
- Positive and negative symmetrical log scale
- User-defined axis scale type using formulas
- Discrete scale type for skipping rows without data, therefore exclude weekends and holidays for financial data.
Major/ Minor / Special Ticks
- Major and minor ticks can be set by increment, counts, from a dataset, from column label row, or at user-specified positions
- Multiple Special Ticks with detailed tick and label formatting for each tick
- Leader lines for special ticks
Axis Lines and Grid Lines
- Independent control axis line, major ticks and minor ticks.
- Independent control axis line, major ticks and minor ticks.
- Option to show axis and grids on top of data
Reference Lines
- Multiple reference lines and shading between, in 2D graphs
- Use statistical functions on plotted data, such as mean and standard deviation
- Show linear fit curve, confidence band, etc.
- Functions can be combined, such as mean+1.5*sd
- Use custom equations or expressions to add lines based on axis scale values
- Lines are saved in graph template for repeated use
- Lines update when data changes
Tick Labels
- Many tick label types from numeric, text, date, time, month, week, etc. with varioues display control.
- Tick labels can be from a column of values or a combination of column labels
- Wrap, rotate tick labels, position it at tick, next to tick or between two ticks.
- Tick labels displayed as table, with flexible customization of table grid lines, text orientation and positioning
- Flexible Minor Tick Label Display Format, separate from major ticks
- Remove exponential notation common to all tick labels and add to end of axis
- Read title from metadata from plot
- Customize axis title, including units for different conventions, e.g. curly brackets, square brackets, etc.
- Supported axis break customization includes: break styles, define gap, break region, break position along axis, scale type and increment before/after break
- Multiple Axis Breaks with customization of scale and tick labels of each individual segment, and control of break gaps
Multiple Axes Customization
- Customize one axis at a time or multiple axes together
- Copy axis format to other layer or graphs
Further Axes Customization
- Isometric layer scaling to link axes length to scale by X/Y ratio (2D plots) and X/Y/Z ratio (3D plots)
- Set Y axis color to follow plot color in multi-Y plots
- Exchange X and Y axes

A Double-Y plot allowing for easy comparison of two datasets. Note that the Y axes ticks and labels have the same color as the data plot they represent. Other features include scientific notation for labels in the right Y axis, special tick labels at user-specified axis positions, and an axis break in the X axis. Origin supports multiple special ticks and axes breaks.

In addition to support for multiple axis scale types such as linear, log10, and reciprocal, Origin supports creating scales using a custom formula. In this graph, the X axis scale was set using sqrt(x).

Positive and Negative Symmetrical Log Scale

This graph displays the NASDAQ composite index over a period of several years. Notice the X axis where in addition to the yearly tick marks, special ticks and labels have been placed to mark significant events during that time period. Each special tick label can be individually formatted.

Engine torque speed map where performance is plotted as a contour plot with custom boundary defined by maximum torque line. Reference lines for various horse power values have been added using the expression: Torque=HP*5252/RPM

An Arrhenius plot of ln(k) versus 1/T. A linear regression on the Arrhenius plot will solve the intercept which corresponds to ln(A), and the slope which corresponds to -Ea/R. A linked secondary top axis is added to display temperature in degrees Celsius, using the formula: Xtop = (1 / Xbottom) – 273.15. The axis type is also set to non-linear with a custom formula.

In this grouped box chart, labels representing the group variables have been created using a table format. Options for customizing the table include placement above and below the layer, merging labels between subgroups, flexible border options, ticks, and fill colors.

By setting Axis type to Discrete, weekends and holidays are excluded in this Open-High-Low-Close-Volume Stock Chart. Minor tick labels are customized to show the first letter of the weekday while major tick labels show the date as M/d/yyyy.
Graph Legends and Color Scales
Update/Reconstruct Legend
Origin grants you the possibility to simply update or construct the legend for data plots. Some commonly used options are:
- Reverse the order of the legend(s).
- Wrap Text
- Create one combined legend or separated legends for data plots in multi-layer graph.
- Hide or show plot from legend(s)
- Full control of legend entries customization
Special Legends and Scales
Origin also has several special legends used with certain graph types. These legends and scales can be customized and updated similarly with a dialog
- Categorical Values
- Legend for Box Chart Components
- Point by Point Legend
- Color Scale
- Linear or Nested Bubble Scale

The Piper diagram (or Trilinear diagram) is used to plot chemistry of water samples for hydro-geological studies. Scatter point shape and color change for each sample. Sample ID is displayed next to each point and its color is matched to the sample point. A colorblind-safe color list is used (Origin includes two such built-in color lists). A bubble scale relates bubble size to total dissolved solids. A point-by-point legend identifies each sample point.

Create one combined legend or separate legends for each set of data plots in a multi-layer graph. In addition, there are shortcut menu options to rearrange, reorder, or further customize the data plot legend.

A scatter plot with modifiers for color and size, set using other data columns. Note the nested bubble scale legend at bottom left. The map of the continental USA was added to the graph using the Insert: Continental USA Map menu entry (The menu entry will be shown when the scale matches the range of the map's latitude and longitude)

This box chart includes a special box chart legend. This legend is auto-generated for box charts. Each legend entry refers to a box plot component: the box, whiskers, median or mean lines, percentiles, etc. In addition, the Legend Properties dialog lets you add custom entries to your legend for symbols and lines, by building the desired syntax using a dialog.
Graph Annotations
- Add text, including plain text or text from data or metadata with rich text format.
- Add page/layer title
- Add graphic objects such as line, polyline, freehand draw tool, curve, arrows, distance annotation, angle annotation, circle, oval, square, rectangle, polygon, freehand region, etc.
- Add special characters, superscript, and subscript notation
- Add equations to your graph (built-in LaTeX support)
- Add an image from external file or web
- Add and format tables
- Add XY Scaler, asterisk brackets with different shapes, date/time stamp, and project path
Insert Image to Graphs
- Insert image from web or disk, support file types including SVG, TIFF, PNG and JPEG etc.
- Insert as floating image or as layer background
- Crop, clip or rotate inserted images
- Set inserted image scale or co-ordinates and then match graph when inserting
Insert Worksheets in Graph
- Nice sheet object with hidden column & row header and no margin
- Mini Toolbar to customize band colors, grid style, frame & grid color and thickness
- Increasing/decreasing font size will automatically adjust table cell size
- Grid and frame customization kept when retrieving other updates from worksheet
Editing the Objects
- Align objects with each other or with graph layers
- Distribute the objects evenly
- Group multiple objects

Directly type or copy-paste LaTeX expression into worksheet label rows such as Long Name or Comments using the \q(LaTeX-expression) syntax. Mini Toolbar button also available to bring up dialog with preview, to enter expression and insert into cell. When graph is created from such worksheet, equation is automatically rendered in graph axes titles and legends

Insert worksheet in graphs or layout pages and further customize object to create custom reports

Drag and drop a map image to Origin, set co-ordinate and then insert it in graph as background
3D Graphs
Origin supports plotting 3D graphs from XYZ data, XYY data, matrix data and virtual matrix. The OpenGL graphic technology brought unltrafast performance and more flexibility to customize your 3D graphs.
- Rotate, resize and skew
- Projection and dropline
- Projection and dropline
- Lightening
- Transparency
- Turn on/off planes, and show 4th plane
- Scatter plots with X, Y, Z error bars
- Plot from virtual matrix
- 3D Basic and Stacked Bar Plot with error and labels

This graph displays the topology of Mount St. Helens before and after the volcanic eruption in 1980. The data are plotted as two color map surface plots in the same OpenGL graph layer, with the top surface offset along the Z axis. A light source has been added to illuminate the surface. Isometric scaling has been applied so that the X, Y and Z axis lengths reflect true relative distances.

This graph displays a 3D color map surface plot of Mount Everest region. The surface is overlaid by a 3D scatter plot with label to highlight the peaks. Origin supports free rotation of OpenGL graphs by simply holding down the R key and using the mouse. Additional options for rotating, resizing, stretching and skewing are available when the 3D graph layer is selected. The graph can be created from an online template, 3D Surface Map

This graph displays a 3D color map surface plot of Mount Everest region. The surface is overlaid by a 3D scatter plot with label to highlight the peaks. Origin supports free rotation of OpenGL graphs by simply holding down the R key and using the mouse. Additional options for rotating, resizing, stretching and skewing are available when the 3D graph layer is selected. The graph can be created from an online template, 3D Surface Map

This graph displays the population of different counties by fetching map data from a new WMS server and then plotting 3D bars on top of the map plane. The Maps Online app offers a few built-in map data sources for users to choose from. You can also add your own map source. With Origin, it is very easy to place 3D bars on a map using the Layer Contents dialog.

This plot shows a 3D scatter plot with x, y, z errors, and projections on three axis planes. The 3D scatter symbol is colormapped to another data column (population density). Symbols and error bars in each projection can be customized independently.

The Polynomial Surface Fit app is a great tool for fitting XYZ data with polynomial equations of specified/maximum degree in X and Y, and ranking equations to determine best fit. Using a transparent surface and drop lines to surface instead of the bottom plane, you can show distances between the points and the surface.
User-friendly Interface
Mini Toolbar
Origin supports Mini Toolbar for quick and easy operations on graphs and worksheet/matrix.
These toolbars are sensitive to the type of object selected. The buttons in the pop up provide access to all of the common customization options, so you can perform quick changes without opening complex dialogs.
Float Windows outside of Origin Interface
Float one or more child windows outside of main interface to take full advantage of desktop space and multiple monitors
- Floating windows have their own customizable menus and toolbar buttons
- Object Manager panel available inside each floating window
- Access other menus and Apps on floating window by pressing F1 key to bring up Start Menu
Impressive Import Speed for Large Data
Importing large text files is easy and fast in Origin.
Import speed in Origin is a factor of 10 or more compared to Excel 2016, and compared to older versions of Origin. The gain in speed has been achieved by making full use of the processor's multi-core architecture.

Importing Files
Origin supports more than 30 data formats including: ASCII, CSV, EXCEL, Binary, PCLAMP, CDF, DCF, HPF, EPA, EDF, BDF, REC, HYP, DAT, MDF, DAT, RAW, H5, HE5, HDF5, DAT, PXP, IBW, , DX, DX1, JDX, JCM, QDA, MAT, MTW, MPJ, mzData, mzXML, mzML, imzML, NC, DAT, TDM, TDMS, ABF, DAT, AB, SPE, PZFX, XML, JNB, SIE, WAV, SAV, SPC, CGM, BRUKER OPUS, ISF, and SAS7BDAT
ASCII import options include specifying delimiter. parsing header lines to extract metadata, partial import, support for date and time data
Many import formats support drag-and-drop import, re-import of file to update data, and option to execute script at the end of import for post processing

Data Connectors
Connect to a web file, or a file on your local PC or network, or cloud, or database
File types supported: CSV, Excel, ASCII/Binary (using Import Wizard filters), HTML, JSON, MATLAB, Origin Projects ect
Select data to be imported, such as specific node in XML, table in HTML, or Sheet in Origin Project.
Data Navigator panel in worksheet to view and change subset of data to be imported
Connection and data selection information is saved in worksheet/workbook
Add connectors of same type to multiple worksheets in a workbook, and different connector types to multiple workbooks
When saving the Origin project, you can opt to leave out the imported data associated with all connectors, or specific connectors. This can help reduce project file size. All calculated results and graphs from results will not be cleared.
Re-import data from the source file any time. Make changes to source or to data selection at any time.
Database Connector dialog enables various options for connecting database
More data connectors available for download from the App Center or from Data menu.
Working with Excel
You can copy and paste data from Excel to Origin with full precision.
You can import XLS, XLSX & XLSM files into Origin. Starting with Origin 2017, you no longer need to have MS Excel installed to import these file types. Origin provides the following options for Excel file import:
Specify rows for column name, units, comments and other metadata, and apply same settings for multiple sheets

Database Import
Origin supports importing data from a database using Database Connector. Options include:
Connect to databases including Access, SQLite, SQL, Oracle, and MySQL
Save connection information to file
Save query in the Origin worksheet or as external file for quick re-import or repeat use
Use LabTalk variables in SQL script to further customize the query

The Digitizer tool in Origin allows you to perform manual or semi-automated digitizing of graph images. Features include:
- Work with image file or image in clipboard
- Rotation to correct for alignment of axes
- Support for Cartesian, Polar and Ternary coordinates
- Linear and Log axes scales
- Pick points manually or auto trace specific lines, by area, or by specifying vertical/horizontal grids
- Digitize multiple data into separate datasets
- Edit/delete or reorder digitized points

Data Exploration
Zoom and Pan
- Magnify a region of the graph
- Easily zoom and pan to desired X/Y scale
- Zoom in region of interest and display details in second layer
- Enlarge a region of overlapped multi-layer graphs in a second graph (Use Scale-In tool while holding CTRL key)
Alter or Remove Data Points
- Use masking tools to exclude data points from analysis or hide points from display
- Alter or remove data points
Examine Data Points and Related Data
- Use Data Reader to read data plot's coordinates, row index or corresponding info. in other columns.
- Use Screen Reader to read coordinates of of any position in graph.
- Use the Vertical Cursor Gadget for exploring data in stacked graphs
- Data Highlighting
- Data Point Tooltip
- Plot Highlighting
- Highlight column in worksheet when highlighting data plot in graph
- Conditional Formatting for Worksheets
Data Slicer for Graphs
The new Data Slicer feature allows you to change filter conditions directly on a graph for easy data exploration. Simply set up filters on desired worksheet columns, create a graph with one or more layers, and turn on the Data Slicer panel to control the filters. Features include:
- Mini Toolbar to toggle Data Slicer panel
- Directly disable or enable filters from the graph
- Text filter has option for single entry allowing for easy switch of filter conditon
- Numeric filters allow several conditions including combinations with AND or OR
Browser Graph for Multichannel Data Exploration
This version introduces a set of Browser Graph templates that allow for quick and easy exploration of multi-column data:
- Allow quick selection of columns to plot, such as by picking every Nth column
- Choice of line, histogram or stacked graphs
- Interactively turn selected plots on/off to explore
- Sort plots using any metadata value
- Flip through plots in browser graph
- Options to add data from current sheet or other sheets or books
- Turn Browser Panel on for regular graphs
- Spawn new graph with selected plots

In a Zoom graph, a zoomed portion of a larger graph is added to explore a region of interest. Moving the cyan rectangle updates that portion of the graph shown by the inset.

Press the Z or X keys and scroll the mouse wheel to quickly and interactively zoom and pan data in graph layers. Press Ctrl+R to rescale graph axes to show all data.

Highlight a particular data plot in a graph. Also works with complex graph types such as Parallel plot.

The Data Reader tool and the Data Info Window in Origin allow you to explore your data graphically. You can customize the display to include information from other columns of the worksheet, including images embedded in worksheet cells.

Use Vertical Cursor for exploring data in stacked graphs in multiple graph windows simultaneously. You can find information of one cursor or compare two cursors such as the distance
Data Analysis and Statistics
Origin and OriginPro provide a rich set of tools for performing exploratory and advanced analysis of your data.
Exploratory Analysis
Origin provides several gadgets to perform exploratory analysis by interacting with data plotted in a graph.
- Select data range interactively using a Region-of-Interest (ROI) box
- View immediate results as you move or resize the ROI.
- Generate detailed reports from the analysis
- Options for customizing visual results and report settings
- Save settings as a Theme for repeat use
- Repeat the analysis on all data plots in graph layer or page
- Same or different gadgets can be applied multiple times in same graph
- Hide ROI box temporarily for printing and export

Origin provides a selection of Gadgets to perform exploratory analysis of data from a graph. A region of interest (ROI) control allows you to interactively specify the subset of data to be analyzed. Results from the analysis are dynamically updated on top of the ROI as it is resized or moved. This image shows peak fitting being performed using the Quick Fit gadget.

Two statistics gadgets are applied to this graph to report statistics in two regions of interest (ROI). Mean and 1st SD lines and corresponding values are are displayed in each ROI. The Y axis is moved to separate the two regions. Yellow ROI boxes are hidden so that they do not show in printouts. The "S" button on upper-right corner re-displays the ROI boxes when clicked.

Use the Quick Peak Gadget to interactively perform peak finding, baseline subtraction, and peak integration of data from a graph.

The Quick Fit Gadget lets you perform linear, polynomial, or nonlinear curve fitting on data plots in a graph. Notice the label on top of the ROI displaying the slope and Pearson's r from a linear fit . The label updates dynamically as the ROI is moved or resized.

The Cluster Gadget available in OriginPro lets you interact with data in a graph within a region of interest (ROI). The ROI can be rectangular, elliptical, polygon or arbitrary hand-draw shape. The tool provides statistics on data inside and outside the ROI, and also lets you copy, clear, mask or delete selected data.
Gadgets in Origin and OriginPro:
Curve and Surface Fitting
Origin provides various tools for linear, polynomial and nonlinear curve and surface fitting. Fitting routines use state-of-the-art algorithms. The sections below provide a summary of key features.
Options and Controls
- Flexible data input. Select from worksheet or graph.
- Specify sub range of data graphically or by numeric begin and end values
- Select from close to 200 built-in fitting functions arranged in categories
Comparing Models and Datasets(PRO)
OriginPro provides the following tools for fit comparison:
- Compare two fitting models with one dataset
- Compare one fitting model with two datasets
- Fit one dataset with multiple models, and rank fit results using F-test or Akaike (AIC)/Bayesian(BIC) Information Criterion
Surface Fitting(PRO)
Perform 3D surface fitting on XYZ worksheet data or matrix data
- Over 20 built-in fitting functions
- Create your own fitting function
- Fit multiple peaks
- Automatically find peaks using several methods
- Calculate Z values for new set of XY values based on the fit surface
Implicit Fitting(PRO)
Do you need to fit an implicit function to your data? Origin's NLFit tool supports implicit fitting using the Orthogonal Distance Regression (ODR) algorithm, including fitting with X and/or Y error data.

Graph displaying result of linear regression. Options for linear regression include fixing intercept or slope, finding new X/Y values from known Y/X values using the fit line, goodness of fit results including significance of slope, and fitting with both X and Y errors.

Graph displaying result of polynomial regression. Options include fitting up to 9th order polynomial, fixing intercept, finding new X/Y values from known Y/X values using the fit line, and fitting with Y errors.

OriginPro supports fitting with implicit functions using the Orthogonal Distance Regression algorithm which minimizes the orthogonal distance from data to the fit curve. Errors and weighting for both X and Y data are supported. Implicit functions can have two or more variables.

Perform Weighted Fitting using either Levenberg-Marquardt or Orthogonal Distance Regression algorithms. The latter supports weights for both X and Y data. Select from over 12 weighting methods including instrumental, statistical, direct, arbitrary dataset, and variance.

Origin supports Global Fitting with Parameter Sharing, where you can simultaneously fit multiple datasets with the same function and optionally share one or more fitting parameters across all datasets. The report sheet will provide a summary table with all parameter values and errors, and a single set of fit statistics from the global fit.

Result of an Apparent Linear Fit on data plotted with logarithmic Y axis scale.

When working with replicate data, Origin can perform a Concatenated Fit where the replicates are combined internally to a single dataset. The graph included in the report sheet can either represent the data in replicate form, or as mean values with SD or SE error bars. A Quick Sigmoidal Fit Gadget is also available.

The Rank Models tool in OriginPro can fit and rank multiple functions to a dataset. The fit results can be ranked by either Akaike (AIC) or Bayesian (BIC) Information Criterion, to determine the best fitting model for your data.

Use OriginPro to perform nonlinear surface fitting of data organized in XYZ worksheet columns, a matrix, or a virtual matrix. Select from over 20 surface functions or create your own function. For peak functions, find peaks using local maximum, partial derivative, or contour consolidation.

Results from fitting a 2D Gaussian function to four peaks, using the Surface Fitting tool in OriginPro. The raw data is plotted as a color-filled contour plot, and the fit results are plotted as contour lines.

Implicit Fitting uses the Orthogonal Distance Regression algorithm to find optimal values for the fit parameters. Errors or weights are supported for both X and Y data.
Peak Analysis
Origin provides several features for peak analysis, from baseline correction to peak finding, peak integration, peak deconvolution and fitting. The following sections list the key features for peak analysis.
Baseline Detection
- Automatic and manual options to find baseline, or use existing dataset
- Methods include 2nd Derivative, XPS, and Asymmetric Least Squares
- Interactively add/modify anchor points
- Interpolate or fit baseline points with nonlinear functions
- Subtract baseline, or include baseline fitting as part of final peak fit
Peak Finding
- Automatic and manual options to find and add peaks
- Methods include Local Maximum, Window Search, Residuals, and 1st/2nd Derivative to locate hidden peaks
- Load peaks from predefined data list or theme
- Smooth data or derivative to locate peaks in noisy data
- Filter peaks by threshold or number of peaks
Peak Integration
Options for peak integration include:
- Automatic or user-specified integration window width
- Automatic or user-specified integration window width
- Integrate from baseline or from y=0
- Report quantities including height, area, percent area, centroid, FWHM, and left/right half widths
Batch Peak Analysis
There are several options for batch peak analysis of multiple datasets in Origin:
- Use integration and peak gadgets to analyze multiple curves in a graph within or across layers
- Use a predefined peak analysis theme to analyze multiple datasets or files
- Output a custom report table with peak parameters from each dataset or file
Peak Fitting(PRO)
Once you have performed baseline detection and peak finding, Origin provides several options for peak fitting:
- Once you have performed baseline detection and peak finding, Origin provides several options for peak fitting:
- Fit all peaks with same function form, or assign different functions to specific peaks
- Peak deconvolution to resolve overlapping or hidden peaks
- Fix peak centers or allow them to vary by a set percentage or within a set range of values
- Specify bounds and constraints on peak parameters
- Specify bounds and constraints on peak parameters
- Full control of fitting process including step-by-step iterations
- Detailed report including fit statistics, residuals, and graph of individual and cumulative fit lines
- Over 25 peak properties for reporting, including peak area by percentage, variance, skewness and peak excess
- Fit summary graph with customizable peak properties table

The Peak Analyzer tool in Origin supports baseline detection, peak picking, and peak integration. In OriginPro, this tool also supports fitting multiple peaks. Peak detection methods include 2nd derivative search to detect overlapping or hidden peaks. The interface guides you step-by-step, allowing you to customize settings at each stage, and then save the settings as a theme for repeat use on similar data.

This is a preview graph for performing peak integration using the Peak Analyzer tool. The integration range can be applied for all peaks, or modified individually and interactively for each peak.

The Quick Peaks Gadget provides a quick and interactive way to perform peak analysis from a graph, using a region of interest (ROI) control. Batch operations such as integration of multiple curves over a desired range are also possible from this gadget.
Origin provides a wide array of tools for statistical analysis.
In addition, Origin provides Stats Advisor App which helps user to interactively choose the appropriate statistical test, analysis tool or App.
The Stats Advisor App asks a series of questions and then suggests the appropriate tool or App to analyze your data.

Descriptive Statistics
Origin provides several tools for summarizing your continuous and discrete data:
- Statistics on columns or rows
- Cross tabulation(PRO)
- 1D and 2D frequency counts
- Discrete frequency
- Normality test
- Distribution Fit including normal, Weibull, exponential and gamma(PRO)
- Correlation coefficient (PRO) and Partial correlation coefficient (PRO) to detect relationship between datasets
- Outlier tests: Grubbs and Dixon's Q tests

Parametric Tests
- One-Sample t-Test
- Two-Sample t-Test and Welch's test
- Pair-Sample t-Test
- Two-Sample t-Test on Rows (PRO)
- Pair-Sample t-Test on Rows (PRO)
- One-Sample Test for Variance(PRO)
- Two-Sample Test for Variance(PRO)
- One-Sample Proportion Test(PRO)
- Two-Sample Proportion Test(PRO)
Non-parametric Tests
- One-Sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank (PRO)
- Paired-Sample Sign(PRO)
- Paired-Sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank(PRO)
- Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov(PRO)
- Mann-Whitney(PRO)
- Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA(PRO)
- Mood’s Median (PRO)
- Friedman ANOVA(PRO)
Origin provides 5 ANOVA tools to examine the differences between group means
- One-way and Two-way ANOVA
- Three-way ANOVA(PRO)
- One- and Two-way Repeated-Measures ANOVA(PRO)
- Means comparison methods include:
- Tukey and Bonferroni
- Dunn-Sidak and Fisher LSD
- Scheffe and Holm-Bonferroni
- Holm-Sidak

Multivariate Analysis
Five commonly used multivariate tools are available:
- Principal Component Analysis (PRO)
- Hierarchical Cluster (PRO)
- Partial Least Square (PRO)
- K-Means Cluster (PRO)
- Discriminant Analysis (PRO)

Dendrogram of spectra classification from Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of spectra

A Loading and Score plot created by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) tool in OriginPro.

A Canonical Score Plot created by the Discriminant Analysis tool in OriginPro. This plot can be used to classify observations across groups.
Signal Processing
Origin provides a wide array of tools for signal processing.
- Fast Fourier Transform and Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (FFT/IFFT)
- Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) (PRO)
- Hilbert Transform (PRO)

- Savitzky-Golay
- Adjacent-Averaging
- FFT Filter
- Percentile Filter
- Lowess and Loess

- FFT Filter
- IIR Filter Design (PRO)
- 2D FFT Filter (PRO)

Wavelet Analysis
- Continuous Wavelet Transform (PRO)
- Discrete Wavelet Transform (Decomposition) (PRO)
- Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (Reconstruction) (PRO)
- Multi-Scale Wavelet Decomposition (PRO)
- Smoothing (PRO)
- Noise Removal (PRO)
- 2D Wavelet Decomposition (PRO)
- 2D Wavelet Reconstruction (PRO)

Additional Tools
- Convolution
- Correlation
- Coherence (PRO)
- Envelope Curves (PRO)
- Decimation (PRO)
- Rise Time Gadget (PRO)
From simple column calculations to interpolation, calculus and integration, Origin provides a wide range of tools for mathematical analysis of worksheet and matrix data.
Column and Cell Calculations
- Column Formula
- Simple column formula notation which is similar to Excel or Google Sheets
- Calculations can involve columns from other worksheets
- Over 500 functions in categories such as math, engineering, statistics, date-and-time, and string processing
- Before Formula Script to pre-process data prior to calculating results
- Auto-complete in cell or column formulas
- Cell Formula
- Works for both Data and User-defined Label Row Cells
- Stretch and extend formula vertically/horizontally
- Fixed cell referencing is supported
- Assign name to a range and then use in cell or column formula for calculations
- Use script-accessible functions and/or custom expressions
- Results update when source cells change, or with other changes such as data filter
- Normalization
- Average Multiple Curves in Worksheets or Graphs
- Math tool for simple column math
Interpolation and Extrapolation
- 1D Interpolation/Extrapolation
- 1D Trace Interpolation
- Interpolate/Extrapolate Y at Specific X
- 2D Interpolation/Extrapolation
- 2D Trace Interpolation
- Interpolate/Extrapolate Z at Specific X,Y
- 3D Interpolation
- Interpolation methods: Linear, Spline, B-Spline, Akima, Kriging, Renka-Cline, Shepard, TPS , Triangle, Weighted Average
Differentiation and Integration
- Numeric Differentiation
- Numeric Integration
- Polygon Area Calculation
- Surface Area Calculation (PRO)
- 2D Volume Integration (PRO)

Auto complete helps to quickly find and enter functions as well as name ranges to complete your formula.

Use the Normalize tool to normalize data in a worksheet or a graph.

Use Origin's Interpolation Gadget to perform interpolation and extrapolation on one or more data plots in a graph. You can interactively select the data range using a region-of-interest (ROI) control. Interpolation methods include linear, spline and Akima spline.

Use the XYZ Trace Interpolation tool to perform interpolation on a set of XYZ data points, preserving the sequential aspect of the data.

Use the Integrate Gadget to perform integration of data curves in a graph. A region-of-interest (ROI) control is provided to interactively select the desired data range. Baseline methods include selecting an existing data plot as a baseline to determine the area between two curves, as displayed in this graph. Batch integration of multiple curves is also supported.

Use the 2D Surface Integration Gadget in OriginPro to calculate volume under a 3D surface plot, by interactively moving a region of interest (ROI). The volume, FWHM, minimum, maximum, and other quantities are dynamically updated as the ROI selector is moved or resized.
Data Processing
Origin provides multiple powerful data manipulation tools which can be used for pre-analysis data processing. The pre-analysis data processing can be carried out right after importing data into Origin, and help to get the data into a desired form for analysis in a quick and intuitive way.
- Sort data at column or worksheet level
- Stack and Unstack columns to transform data
- Split or Append Worksheets
- Transpose Worksheet including Metadata Rows

Extraction and Reduction
- Filter your data using conditions on one or more worksheet columns. All associated graphs and analysis results will automatically update
- Use Pivot Table to reduce and summarize your data
- Reduce data using multiple methods such as Evenly Spaced X, Duplicate X, Reduce by Rows, or *Reduce by Group
- Fill data automatically in worksheet cells

RS and GIS Data Handling and Graphing
- Calculate average from the NetCDF file during Importing
- Pick out a specific time period from a NetCDF file
- Shift or flip a NetCDF file during Importing

- Import GeoTIFF as image
- Import DEM data from GeoTIFF file for further analysis
- Import multiple GeoTIFF images as stacked matrices
- Apply color palettes to GeoTIFF image
- Fine tune gray scale display range of the image
- Export processed image or analysis result as GeoTIFF images

Data Processing and Analysis
- Extract pixel values from stacked matrices by selecting points or specifying coordinates
- Extract region-of-interest (including shapefile-based) from stacked matrices or image
- Finding mean, min, max and coordinates of min and max etc. on region-of-interest from matrix stack
- Matrix stats, subtraction, simple math, linear fit along time axis
- Resample or interpolation on stacked matrices

Visualization and Graphing
- Browser Graph for contour and image plots from matrix stack
- Set GeoTIFF as background of graph (Pie map, Bar map, Bubble)
- Plot raster data as Contour, Surface, etc.

Batch Processing
Origin provides multiple ways to handle repetitive graphing, importing and data analysis tasks. Batch operations can be performed directly from the GUI, without the need for any programming.
For Graphing
Copy and Paste Data Plot
- Copy and paste data plots from one graph layer to another with custom formatting
Save Graph Settings
- Save graph template
- Save graph theme
- Copy format and apply to other graphs
Batch Plotting
- Create desired graph from one column or from multiple columns in the worksheet
- Repeat graph for all columns, or for all worksheets with similar data structure
- Create new graphs with meaningful names
Smart Plotting with Cloneable Templates
- Create graphs from multiple worksheet columns, specifying column name or position in the worksheet
- Save as Cloneable Template where column names/positions are saved
- Origin will mark all templates that are compatible with active sheet
- Origin will mark all templates that are compatible with active sheet
- Template Library for organizing templates and filtering templates compatible with active sheet

For Importing
Save Import Settings
- Save import settings as a dialog theme file
- Save import settings as a filter file
- Allow LabTalk script to execute after import
- Save import settings together with worksheet
Batch Import by Cloning Workbook
- Import one file and set up your workbook with desired analysis and graphs all contained within the book
- During import, choose
to use active book as temporary template for each new file
Clone an Origin Project
- Set up a Master Origin project with your desired data, graphs and analysis, using multiple windows such as workbooks graphs, reports etc as needed
- Save your master project. Then from File menu, select Clone current Project...
- Import new data into the data sheets of the cloned project to update all of your graphs and analysis results in the project
- Optionally add a Data Connector link to the master project data sheets, in the cloned project

For Analysis
Recalculation and Analysis Template
- Update results when input data changes
- Modify dialog settings by Change parameters without need to start from scratch
- Output of one operation can be used as input for another to form a chain of operations
- Save dialog settings as a dialog theme file
- Last used theme is saved automatically for quick access
- Create Analysis template to automate analysis and custom report creation
- Use whole project as analysis template.
Repeating Operations on All Plots or Columns
- Perform an operation on one worksheet column or one data plot in a graph
- Simply repeat that operation for all other columns or data plots
Simply repeat that operation for all other columns or data plots
- Perform curve fitting on one data plot in a graph
- Simply copy and paste the operation to other selected curves in the same graph or other graphs
Use Gadgets to Analyze Multiple Curves
- Plot all datasets in single or multiple layers in a graph
- Place gadget on one curve and customize settings
- Output results from the gadget for all curves in a layer or all curves in a graph page.
Batch Analysis
- set up an Analysis Template™ workbook by performing a desired set of operations on data
- Use the Batch Processing tool to process data from multiple files or worksheet columns
- Generate report table with desired metadata and parameters listed for each processed file or dataset
- Generate custom reports combining graphs and numeric results, using Origin's worksheet
- Optionally link an Analysis Template™ to a Microsoft Word Template and create polished multi-page reports
- Execute LabTalk script before or after each file, or at end of the batch process, for further customization
- Batch peak analysis with dialog theme

Exporting and Presentation
Origin provides many options for exporting and presentation, from sending graphs to PowerPoint, to creating movies
Resize Graph for Publishing
Journals typically require a specific width for the graph image, such as 86 mm for single column and 178 mm for double column. In addition, at the scaled size, they may require text labels to be above a particular font size, and lines to be above a certain thickness.
- Resize graph page by specifying desired width, while maintaining aspect ratio (auto scale height when width is changed)
- Scale all elements on the page when resizing in order to maintain proportional balance in the graph
- Conversely, set element scale to some fixed factor when you want to maintain absolute size of elements
- Fit all graph layers to the available page area using user-specified margins, while maintaining layer relationships, relative size, and object scale

Exporting Graphs
- Export graphs and layout pages to over 15 file formats including SVG, EPS, PDF, EMF, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and BMP
- Specify export settings such as export width, height and DPI
- Export User-defined Area of Graph Page
- Option to trim white space around the graph
- Save settings for repeat use
Pasting and Embedding
- Simply copy and paste graphs into other applications such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, etc.
- Paste as image, html, or as Origin Graph (OLE)
- If pasted as Origin graph, double-click to edit graph in Origin and make quick changes

Send Graphs to PowerPoint or Word
- Send single or multiple graphs from anywhere in the project
- For PowerPoint (Pre-install App):
- Send to existing file
- Attach to opened file
- Specify slide number to be repeated for each graph insertion
- Specify slide margins
- Place as picture or as graph object (OLE)
- For Word (Pre-install App):
- Send to existing file
- Attach to opened file
- Place graphs at bookmark locations by name
- Place as picture or as graph object (OLE)

Creating Movies
- Specify width, height, alignment and frame rate
- Optionally compress file using available options on your computer
- Manually or programmatically add graphs as frames to a movie
- Export image stack in matrix as video

Creating Reports
Origin provides multiple ways to create nice reports. With any of the available methods, you can format the appearance of the report as you want, adding graphs, images and analysis results as links, thus creating a custom report.
Your custom report sheets can become templates for repeated tasks -- simply import new raw data and watch your custom report automatically update. When your report is ready, export it as a PDF file or as an image file by choosing a popular image format such as EPS and JPEG.
- Notes Window
- Worksheet
- Layout / Graph Page

Project and Data Management
The following are some of the key features related to data management in Origin
Origin Project (OPJ, OPJU) File
- Store data, metadata, notes, graphs, analysis operations and results in one document
- Arrange content in a flexible user-specified folder structure
- Add comments to sheet, window and folders
- Support internally saved Microsoft Excel files or links to external Excel files
- Include LabTalk Script, Origin C code files, and other third party files as attachments
- Search and find string or numeric values to quickly locate relevant windows within the project
- Highly portable: Colleagues who do not have Origin can view data and graphs from OPJ/OPJU files using the free Origin Viewerapplication (Windows or Mac)
- Save a subfolder as a new project file, append multiple project files from disk to current project
- Copy/Paste folders and workbooks across Origin sessions
- Individual windows, such as workbook, graph, matrix, notes can be saved to disk and opened in new project file
- OPJU File enable user to easily identify an Origin project visually in Windows Explorer

Navigating Your Data
- Project Explorer window with two panels to show folder and windows
- Autohide, dock or float Project Explorer in Origin workspace
- Detailed, list, small icon, large icon and extra large icon view mode for graph, workbook and matrix preview.
- Useful tooltips such as graph or workbook preview, and folder notes
- Easy way to locate and manage windows and folders
- Seesaw between folders to quickly switch folder
- Show graphs/worksheets from different folders
- Keep pinned windows when switching folders
- Favorites folder with shortcuts to collect key information such as all graphs ready for publication
- Show graphs as slideshow and adjust slideshow orders and skip or not in Project Explorer
- Create window shortcuts

Workbooks and Worksheets
- Multi-sheet workbooks with capability to handle larger number of columns and rows compared to Excel
- Support for arbitrary number of metadata labels at the column level, and for hierarchical meta data structures at book and sheet levels
- Support freezing or splitting panes to lock rows or columns
- Sparklines for quick graphical view of a worksheet column of data
- Insert comments and notes to a cell
- Statistics, such as min, max, mean, etc. of selection cells, columns or range on Status bar
- Place graphs as floating or embedded objects in worksheets
- Create custom report sheets by arbitrarily arranging data, graphs, and images such as logos, on the page
- Wide array of data processing tools including data reduction, filtering, and pivot tables
- Data protection by disable editing
- Save import settings, format and operations in workbook and sheets
- Column List View for worksheet to display only a column list
- Treat missing values as blank in worksheet
- New Workbook dialog with many build-in templates, plus ability to add user-template and set as default template

Matrix books, Sheet and Objects
- Multi-sheet matrices for image or numeric data
- Multiple matrix objects in one sheet
- Thumbnails for quick image preview
- Data and Image Mode of Matrix
- Show XY values or row column index of Matrix
- Save import settings, format and operations in matrix books and sheets

Password Protection
- Protect entire Origin Project (OPJ, OPJU) file with a password
- Optionally turn on Audit Log for project file saving, including separate password for log
- Providing option to turn on automatic addition of audit log for all newly created projects
- Password protection can be used to implement procedures for compliance with Title 21 CFR Part 11 regulations
- Protect workbook and worksheet with a password

Programming and Connectivity
As your Origin use expands, you may want to programmatically access existing features in Origin, add your own custom routines and tools, or communicate with Origin from other applications. To facilitate such customizations, Origin provides the following options.
Origin provides an embedded Python environment so that you can run Python code in Origin.
- A originpro package with easy, high-level access to Origin objects and data from Python
- Intellisense support in Python Console
- Use Python functions in Set Column Values
- Define nonlinear fitting functions using Python
- Define Python functions in Fitting Function Builder and Peak Analyzer
- Support for Python code in the Import Wizard
- Support for Python script in Buttons
- Access to Python functions from LabTalk and Origin C
- Several sample projects and workbook templates using Python, plus extended collection of code samples

LabTalk is a scripting language native to Origin. For simple operations such as manipulating data and automating tasks, LabTalk is a good place to start. You can access a rich set of script commands and functions, including a large collection of X-Functions, to create scripts for your specific needs. Your custom script code can be easily assigned to buttons on graphs or worksheets, new toolbar buttons or custom menu items.

Origin C
Origin C is a programming language based on ANSI C, including additional support for C++ and C# features.
With Origin C, you can:
- Create and access properties of all Origin objects such as worksheets, matrices and graphs
- Automate your data analysis and graphing tasks
- Build HTML Dialog with Java Script
- Link to external dynamic link libraries (DLL)
- Call C or Fortran library routines, such as the NAG library functions included with Origin, or other public-domain libraries

MATLAB Console
In addition to support for importing MATLAB (.mat) files, Origin also provides a MATLAB Console tool for interacting with MATLAB installed to the same computer. You can transfer data between the two applications, and also issue MATLAB commands from the tool.
R and Rserve Console
The R Console dialog in Origin allows you to access R if it is installed on the same computer. You can issue R commands from within the Origin, and transfer data between Origin and R. The Rserve Console dialog allows you to access a server installation of R in a similar manner.
Orign provides a collection of subVIs to facilitate communication with LabVIEW. These subVIs can be used for operations such as opening communication with Origin, exchanging data, and issuing commands to Origin from LabVIEW.

Apps in Origin
Extend graphing and analysis functionality of Origin by installing free Apps from our File Exchange site. A selection of recently published Apps are displayed below.

- Tangent

- Simple Fit

- Send Graphs to Word

- Maps Online

- Tafel Extrapolation

- Level Crossing
View More Apps
Change Parameter and Recalculate
A unique feature in Origin is the ability to change analysis parameters or perform recalculation:

- Set up your graphs and analysis for current data
- Change analysis parameters by re-opening dialog and changing settings any time, without having to repeat the analysis .
- Change input data such as by importing another file, to automatically trigger recalculation of results and updating of graphs and reports.
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